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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the feast of The Most Holy Trinity, also known as Trinity Sunday. Click here to read the reading.
I know enough about love to know that you can’t experience it without having someone or something to love and/or be loved by.
Today’s Feast of the Holy Trinity reveals to us that God is a living relationship of love, being three persons but still One God. God shows us how to love. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father and the love between them is so real, it is another Person, the Spirit. Through this mystery, we learn of love and then want to imitate the Three Divine Persons in our own lives.
This is particularly clear in a family: the man loves his wife and the woman loves her husband and their love is so real that it is often a third person (or fourth or fifth or sixth).
The mystery of the Trinity also makes it easier for us to access and relate to God in the way that suits each of us best. For those who relate best to God as a parent, God revealed himself as the one with life in control, doing wonderful deeds and protecting and providing for us his children. But as there are some of us who need a brother, a best friend, a close companion who knows our human experience, God the Son entered into our world as Jesus Christ.
The Son relates to us on our level, showing us how to live this crazy life, lifting us to be more than earth-bound and drawing us into a relationship with the Father.
Finally, there is that other part of God that is so unlike us and so powerful and invincible that we end up acknowledging that in the end, God is an unfathomable Mystery to us, who does things on His own terms. This is God in the person of the Holy Spirit, who supernaturally empowers us to live the Christian life and call God our Father.
Is this doing your head in? You’re in good company! My favourite part of this gospel passage is that the disciples worshipped God, even though some of them doubted. The “true believers” and the “doubters” were all alike sent out into the world to make more disciples, and that’s our job too, regardless of how solid our faith is!
+ God, most Holy Trinity, thank you for who you are. Help me trust in you as you draw me to yourself and help me reach out to others with your love. Amen.