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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the solemnity of Corpus Christi. Click here to read the reading.
Have you ever been asked to go ahead and set up something? I know when I was younger, my parents would ask me to set the table or clean up around the house before we had guests over. Often, I would be very hasty in this task, cleaning up by hiding things away out of sight and out of mind, to be fixed when the guests had gone, or more truthfully, probably just forgotten.
The Gospel today is about the Last Supper, a critical moment in the ministry of Jesus, offering the blessing of bread and wine as the institution of the Eucharist which we still celebrate in Mass today! When I read this, I mostly notice the intentionality Jesus shows in using the symbols of unleavened bread in a new way to foreshadow His gift to us on the cross by reminding us of this sacrifice, and how He will always be present in the bread and wine each Mass.
I am struck today with the preparation, Jesus sending two disciples ahead to prepare the meal by following a man carrying a jug of water and following him home. There are several motivations suggested as to why Jesus may have done this but for me, it shows the intentionality of going ahead and carefully preparing for others. It reminds me of a quote from Mother Teresa; “We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love”
My parents no longer tell me to clean up, but now as an adult, I need to be self-motivated in being thoughtful and prepared. Next time I have people over for a meal or am preparing to host an event, I hope that I can prepare the way for the Lord ahead of me, in the practical as well as the spiritual. How much better can we serve the Lord if when the opportunity comes to go ahead we faithfully obey and carefully prepare for His coming. We are often not asked to do the miraculous, but instead, serve in simple yet thoughtful ways in the everyday moments of our lives.
+ Jesus, today invite me to go ahead and prepare Your way. Help me to humbly serve You, and do small things with great care. Amen.