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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Click here to read the reading.
Today’s gospel needs no explanation. Really, it’s pure gold - Jesus’ storytelling at its finest! Promise me you won’t continue here till you go and read it first, from start to finish.
Done? Good. I wonder what stood out for you…
The surprising take-home for me is the quieter member of this story – the older brother. I wonder how many of us can be like him?
When other people get accolades for doing nothing and you’ve been working like a slave, do you ever feel offended? When someone who did the wrong thing gets a free pass and you’ve been busting your butt to do the right thing, do you feel insulted at getting overlooked? If there’s anyone I can relate to in this story, it’s this guy. How unfair that God would give grace to someone who – let’s be honest - didn’t deserve it. We can so often operate from a mentality of, ‘Well I did this, so I deserve that.’
But Today, Jesus is trying to pry our folded, insulted arms apart. Why? Cos guess what: there’s not one of us who haven’t also been exactly like that younger son at some time. None of us are perfect! None of us in our own efforts can brag ‘I deserve the feast of heaven’. Sorry to burst your bubble. (Romans 3:23)
Maybe that’s why Lent is a good time to read this famous story. Maybe we have to go from recognising ourselves in the righteous older brother, to recognising ourselves in the humbled, down on his knees younger one. The ‘ministry of reconciliation’ that St Paul talks about in the second reading is for US. We need to forgive those we have grudges against. We need the Father to help us drop our guard if we’re going to enter into the party of heaven.
God has welcomed into His house a lot of people you and I wouldn’t necessarily invite. What are you going to do about that? The truth is, we are just as unworthy as them, so ‘the playing field is level’.
The song ‘amazing grace’ was written for everyone.
+ Lord, help me to love those I find it hardest to love. Help me to forgive those who have offended me, especially in the most deeply hurtful ways. I remind myself that I am your precious son or daughter; loved by You as they are; and in need of salvation and forgiveness, just like they are. Help me not to compare my successes or failures with others, but to rejoice when others succeed, are chosen or are blessed by You. Humble me Lord, and accept me too into your feast today. Amen.