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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the Third Sunday of Lent. Click here to read the reading.
A personal favourite of mine - John 4, the Woman at the Well. It’s a classic verse most people have heard before, am I right? But rarely is time spent reflecting deeper. But, I would vouch it’s worth spending the time reflecting on what else Jesus was saying.
God offers a new life for this Woman, He offers for her to become spiritually nourished, to find peace and receive the Holy Spirit - but He also approaches her with some of her failings. Not to condemn, but to give her a chance to confess. This parable teaches us - God not only directs our futures, but He also speaks into and heals our guilty pasts. He doesn't just want what we can bring Him in the future, He wants us to bring our broken pasts and sins to hand them over to Him.
The Woman is used to show Jesus can impact the most unlikely of people. Not only is the woman a sinner, but an adulterer. Not just a person, but a woman (seen as lower than a man in that cultural context). Not a Jew like Jesus, but a Samaritan. Through all these things which the woman may have seen as a direct blockage from Jesus, He instead uses to connect with her even deeper.
Lastly, Jesus talks about the water that will never make you thirst again. So, why as Christians do we still get tempted and long for idols of the world? Because we feed ourselves spiritual fizzy. (and not the sugar-free version) we indulge richly in things and idols and leave ourselves dehydrated. The water didn’t lose its promise, we tainted it by feeding ourselves a contrary pallet that leaves us thirstier. We need to become less saturated in distraction and make sure we drink the clean, fresh, water he provides - in doing that we won’t become thirsty.
+ Jesus, show me how You have overcome the things which I believe distance me to You. Reconcile and welcome me into Your arms, that I may know Your mercy even more. Amen