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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the feast of Pentecost. Click here to read the reading.
One of my favourite games as a kid was ‘spot the difference’. I always found it so satisfying. In a way, we could play spot the difference with the disciples before and after Pentecost.
Before Pentecost, they were weak, fearful unbelieving. Just look at Peter, he denied Jesus three times when Jesus needed him most. After they had been filled with the Holy Spirit, they were hopeful, bold, full of purpose and faith. Peter went on the preach to masses of people and convert thousands at a time!
All the believers were radically transformed by this event. Nothing was the same, they saw the world in a different way and their part in the world differently too.
And this same power, this same transformation, is available to us as well.
When we pray 'Come Holy Spirit,’ we are inviting the same Spirit that filled apostles and the disciples two thousand years ago and the saints and holy men and women that have been transformed since then. We are inviting the Spirit who knows no limits, who rose Jesus from the dead and who wants to do something incredible in your life today.
+ Come Holy Spirit. Amen.