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A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time. Click here to read the reading.
The Gospel today truly compels us to consider how we speak and act and to reflect on the truth. When we do these things, that it is how we intentionally live out our lives that define the person we are.
We can all feed our bodies with nourishing foods - the Word of God, the Eucharist, positive influences - but ultimately, none of that is clear to those who simply look from the outside. People tend to judge by what they see: the words you speak, and the way you treat others, rather than the things you claim to believe and live by. Ever heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”?... well, it’s not a popular saying for no reason.
It’s simple. Let’s just say you wanted to start filtering the words you use and working on positively affirming others rather than bringing them down. That’s great! You have a good intention in your heart that is worthy of recognition. However, if you now go out, see someone make a mistake, then use your words to bring them down, that is what people are going to see and judge you by. Even though you have the intention, it is what comes from within, that defines the person you are. It’s like a two-step process: the first step is transforming our hearts, and the second is intentionally living out that transformation in the words we speak and actions we choose to make.
Jesus too proclaims that “for it is from within, from the human heart, the evil intentions come… all these evil things come from within, and they defile a person” (Mark 7:21, 23). Sometimes we are so focused on creating an image of ourselves to others, that we forget that the person we become is defined by the values we hold within our hearts and uphold each day.
Perhaps it’s time we focus more of our energy on cleansing our hearts of any evil intentions, so that we may be pure and faithful in our service to our Heavenly Father by fully and wholly living out the things we believe and value.
+ Lord, cleanse my heart from all my impurities, so that I may be able to live out a life in Your name. Guide me in proclaiming my faith through both my words and actions, so that I may find my true identity in being a Daughter/Son of God. Amen.