Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash
A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Click here to read the reading.
Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand is one of the few miracles recounted in the Gospels. This is significant, as Jesus’ mission on Earth wasn’t to be seen as a powerful magician, miracle worker or a “king by force” (John 6:15). This Gospel reveals that Jesus’ mission was to open pathways for us to believe and trust through uncertainty; through faith. And that this faith was what would allow us to continue to build his church and reach the hearts of many.
One key phrase stands out to me in this passage: “but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9).
How far does my faith go? I’m not the Pope, not a Bishop- surely, I can’t make a big difference? I definitely can’t cook enough food for 5000 people, that’s for sure!
Every day the world reminds us how small we are; how seemingly insignificant we are and our actions are. But not with Jesus. His coming paved the way for us to reach the many.
He gave thanks (John 6:11). He had faith that his Father would provide. He knew that his humble actions would reach the hearts of the 5000 and beyond.
We can too reach the hearts of many through faith, and by giving thanks to the one who gave his life for us! We can reach the hearts of many through having the smallest of offerings- our few loaves of bread and fish. We can reach the hearts of many through that one mass we attended and spoke to a new churchgoer. We can reach the hearts of many through authenticity, and living out our faith among all those we encounter.
It’s not about the power we have. It’s about our faith in Christ and the way we choose to live out that faith. Our faith is what will reach out among the many. It’s about the gratitude we genuinely have towards the life we have been blessed with. When we give thanks, we receive more abundantly from the Father. When we give thanks, we genuinely live our lives more fulfilled, and with an overflowing grace that spills into the lives of those around us.
It’s in giving that we receive. It’s in the act of surrender that we reveal our faith. "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." – Colossians 3:17. This is how we reach the many.
How do you give thanks each day?
How do you live a life of faith?
How will your five loaves of bread and two fish feed those who come to seek Christ?
+ Jesus, equip me so that I may feed your people as You did. Let the limitations of my belief leave me, and help me to see what is possible with You in my life. Amen.