Fourth Sunday of Easter - Reflection
Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash
A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2021. Click here to read the reading.
I saw this video on Facebook recently and it was a boy pulling out this sheep from a crack in the ground. The boy is putting all his effort into getting the sheep out and when he does free the sheep it runs away and immediately falls in the crack again.
I find this is often how I can react to Jesus when He calls me to the righteous path He has set before me. I kick and I resist and run away scared that something else can fill me more, and when it doesn’t He comes to my rescue, only for me to quickly fall back down again.
Jesus says “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”. When the wolves come and I’m stuck in the crack, He is my shield and defends me by letting the wolves attack Him, standing in my shortcomings. That is the love that Jesus gives; a self-sacrificial love without prerequisite.
Jesus is our companion. He says to each one of us, I know you, I see you and I want you to know me too. He will accompany and save us from each fall, while simultaneously wanting more for us.
He desires to lead us, as our shepherd, to a life lived in its fullness in relationship with Him.
I invite you today to see Jesus as your companion, to pursue a deeper intimacy in your relationship with Him and allow yourself to be lead to green pastures.
+ Jesus, I thank you so much that you laid your life down for me. That you have given me an opportunity to get to know you and live life to the full. I ask you to guide me on this journey, I surrender to you. Amen.