Christ the King - Reflection
Photo by Daniel Gutko on Unsplash
A Reflection from the Fuel Daily Readings App for the Feast of Christ the King. Click here to read the reading.
Today is the celebration of the solemnity of Christ, King of the universe. This gospel is a reminder for us all that our lives are not random. We are not aimlessly walking but Jesus is guiding us as our king. There is a beautiful image I often reflect on in prayer of Jesus placing His hand in front of mine, inviting me to be led by the King. The beauty and awe that will overtake you when you allow your life to be blessed by A KING!!
The readings reveal that the fullness of Jesus' kingdom will be revealed only at the end of time. Yet, Jesus acknowledges that his kingdom is present now: "You say I am a king. For this, I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." Jesus longs for his voice to be heard. And the voice of Jesus does resound universally throughout the world inscribed forever in the inspired words of the New Testament and passed on throughout the ages by the proclamation of the Church.
But even more wonderfully, the "voice of Jesus" resounds personally within the hearts of believers. Through the sending of the Holy Spirit, we become temples of the Spirit -- born again through water and the Spirit. Now the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd arises also in our own hearts, "Whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens it for him, and the sheep hear his voice as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out” (Jn 10:2-3).
The One True King is indescribable. I know there are still so many parts of my own life that I haven’t yet allowed Jesus to be the King of. Today. I encourage you to examine your heart. To find the places where you have tried to lead. Where you have tried to be the king of your own heart or allowed the idols of this world to become that for you. And then, take his hand and allow Him to lead you to fullness.
+ Jesus, we thank you that you suffered and died so that we may know your love for us. Today, I invite you to be King of my life. Amen.